Promising Practice: Tech Integration in Special Ed

I would like to share a few tidbits of my work with you, in the hopes that you may contribute your ideas or try some of these approaches out for yourself. The first tidbit is titled, Promising Practice: Integrating Technology into the ACCESS Classroom. This is a project that I conducted over the course of the 2008-2009 school year, in collaboration with a special education teacher who teaches high school students with mild to severe cognitive and physical disabilities. The project outlines what we did, as well as teacher and student reflections, examples, SMART Notebook files for sharing, and images of the process.

The highlights of this project are:

  • Integration of a variety of software that general-stream high school students use, including SMART Notebook on the SMART Board, Desire2Learn distributed course management system, Microsoft Photo Story, Flickr, Google Images, YouTube, and Kurzweil
  • Use of 1-1 student laptops at the school 1-3 days per week
  • Smooth integration of technology as logical tools to support learning and conduct research into age-approriate curricular themes that stress literacy skills
  • Integration of all subject areas using inquiry into the curricular themes
  • Collaboration between special education students and general-stream students, which resulted in valuable and meaningful relationships and growth for everyone involved

I encourage you to take a look at my project and give me some feedback, or try something out and let me know how it went. And if you would like to read more about my technology integration projects, feel free to visit this link, where all of the projects listed are mine, except for the last one.

(Image: Student at the SMART Board, by ACCESS. 2009. Collected during the Promising Practice: Integrating Technology into the ACCESS Classroom)